Celebrities, hair and a true hero in Afghanistan

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Artist's studio Afghan artist’s studio

A few minutes ago, Poor John announced that he’d been privy to important news today. After he recounted the three events, I nearly choked on my glass of wine.

But before I share the ‘riveting’ tibdits, I’ll report that he got his hair cut today at the local hairdressing school. He had to wait his turn and filled in the time by reading a couple of celebrity-focused magazines.

Those of you who follow this blog will know that Poor John takes special pride in getting a cheap haircut. His best deal ever was $2 in Abuja, Nigeria. His most expensive (from the aspect of price-gouging) was the $16 he was charged in Kashgar, western China. His biggest grumbling occurred at the hairdressing school in Denver Colorado when the cut cost $4 and I made him tip $1. Geez, how could I take the shine off the…

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